
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Breathe Doterra Essential Oils 

Ahhhhhhhh i can BREATHE!!!!!! Try out our new Breathe collection.

Respiratory issues in the winter are inevitable for most of us .
Breathe is a Respiratory blend with Cardamon which has been newly added to help in supporting the lungs.
Breathe Respiratory Blend Lozenges are great to help soothe your throat and respiratory support on the go !      


Enhanced with the powerful respiratory benefits of 
Cardamom, Breathe is a remarkable blend of essential 
oils that combine to help you breathe easier. A staple in 
the dōTERRA essential oil line, Breathe supports healthy 
respiratory function when seasonal threats are high and 
can be used safely by all members of the family to 
soothe airways and promote clear breathing. This 
proprietary blend consists of Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, 
Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Ravensara, and Cardamom 
essential oils, all known for their positive effects on the 
respiratory system. Breathe can be applied topically to the 
chest, back, or bottom of feet, or diffused at nighttime to 
calm the senses and promote sleep. 
Diffuse, inhale directly from palms, or rub on chest 
or feet when seasonal and environmental threats 
are high.
Use when outdoors to minimize the effects of 
seasonal changes.
Diffuse in room to promote clear breathing and at 
bedtime for a restful night’s sleep.
For the snorer in your family, rub Breathe on his or 
her chest before bed for a better night’s rest. 
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your 
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. 
Dilute with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize 
any skin sensitivity. See additional precautions below.
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If 
you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, 
consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner 
ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for 
up to 12 hours after applying product

                          How to Make Homemade Kefir 

       What is Kefir?

Kefir (pronounced kee-feer) is a cultured milk , similar to yogurt as they both have beneficial live  probiotics  . The cultures are called kefir grains ,which look like cauliflower curds. They feed off the sugar and lactose present in the milk . Probiotics are essential in maintain healthy gut flora -they are the good bacteria that work to build a infrastructure and fight  the bad bacteria which in turn strengthens you immune system . Kefir is also high in Vitamin B, calcium, & protein.

This could be my next guilty pleasure except without all the guilt . Flavored with one drop of  grapefruit essential oil and raw honey for a little sweetness, oh my is this so good!


Let's be real here , if this is going to be a staple in your diet then it needs to taste good , the sames goes for me as well. 

Is Kefir simple to make? 

 It's very simple. Add close a teaspoon of the kefir grains to a cup of milk, cover the glass, and let it sit out at room temperature for about 24 hours. I have a space in my cabinet set aside for my kefir. During this time, the healthy bacteria and yeast in the kefir grains will ferment the milk, eating the lactose and sugar present in the milk preventing it from spoiling while transforming it into kefir. You can make a new batch of kefir roughly every 24 hours (the temperature of your kitchen can affect the exact time) just by putting the kefir grains in a fresh cup of milk. As long as you keep feeding the grains they will flourish.Over time, the grains will multiply and you can either discard ,put them in a smoothie , or share it with friends. You can also take a break from making kefir by putting the grains in a new cup of milk and storing this in the fridge. When ready to resume, repeat the process and enjoy!

When finished, the kefir will have thickened to the consistency of buttermilk and taste noticeably tangy, like yogurt. Strain out the grains so you can use them in another batch, and the kefir is ready to drink.

What happens if i forget about my grains?

Lets say it has been over 24 hours,more like closer to a week. Don't fret , all is not lost. Kefir grains are resilient. Repeat the process of making kefir and you are good to go.
If it has been longer than a week ,you will need to strain the grains ,rinse in purified water ,add a quarter cup of milk ,and change every few hours to try to revive them .I would  make a few batches before consuming.You can also add prebiotics to help in the reviving process to help the  grains back to its former glory. When you are done ,you can help your grains by using fructooligosaccharide (FOS) just add milk,FOS, and grains and ferment for 24 hours.